Zucchini Bread

Zucchini Bread


I still remember the first time I encountered zucchini bread as a teenager. I had a hard time getting my mind around the concept. At the time, zucchini was something my mom made me eat, and not anything you would bake into something sweet. Fortunately, the pathway into my naturally resistant-to-new-foods teenage mind had already been cut with carrot cake. Heck, if you could get something that good out of carrots, why not zucchini? After one bite, I was sold forever. Grated zucchini, mixed into the batter, brings moisture and tender texture to what is essentially a spice cake.

Here are two favorite, tried-and-true zucchini bread recipes. The first couldn't be easier; you don't need a mixer and can make the whole thing in one bowl. It's basically our zucchini muffin recipe in a bread form. The second recipe is adapted from one in an old issue of Sunset Magazine (September 1974) and is the recipe I used to follow as a teenager to make zucchini bread. The pineapple, walnuts, and raisins (my substitute, the original recipe called for currants) make the bread even more interesting.

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